Friday, May 8, 2020

Client Case Study Paula Jenkins - When I Grow Up

Client Case Study Paula Jenkins - When I Grow Up Um, do you know that Ive coached hundreds of women since I started offering dream career guidance in 2008? And that these women are freakin rock stars, leaving soul-sucking jobs and traveling the world and launching creative, grown-up businesses and simply doing work that fits their lifestyle goals? Well ya do now and youll hear their stories firsthand in my  Client Case Studies series!  Im actually embarrassed I havent had Paula here yet! She was my client first in 2013 for 12 sessions, and then in Feb of 2017 for 3 sessions. I adore her and all shes done, and some of you might recognize her from my  Create Your Dream Career class  and/or her top 200 podcast,  Jumpstart Your Joy. See? Even someone whos successful on the outside still needs clarity, accountability and strength on the inside ?? Why did you decide to work with me, a creative career coach? I wanted to get re-centered in what my business and my offerings were after two years on my own. Id gotten certified as a life coach, started a podcast, and successfully launched several online programs but, with all that amazing stuff going on, I was still having a hard time narrowing down what I really WANTED to do, and figuring out how to make that into a business offering that excited me. Id worked with you before and knew you youd help me get back to what lights me up from a creative standpoint, and give me the space to figure it out.   What were you doing work-wise when we started our sessions? Working 9 to 5 as a project manager and coaching and podcasting on the side. What was your biggest takeaway  from our time together?   That its important to refocus and recenter what I offer on the creative aspects of what I love, and OK to let go of the stuff that isnt lighting me up. My true focus is that I work with women to help them find their voice and rediscover their joy, and that can carry through in my coaching and the podcast class and consulting I do. Was there anything else you tried to do as a career between the time we stopped our sessions and what you do for work now? If so, how did it inform your current business? With a clearer sense of the what (helping women find their voice and rediscover their joy), its freed me up (emotionally and mentally) to put more of my effort behind it supporting the podcast and the pieces of the business that are a match with that mission. Instead of chasing multiple possibilities (and feeling like I had to take every client that contacted me whether or not they were a fit), Ive got clear road map on whats a good fit, and what to say yes to. Its changed the way I see my time and since Im still working a 9 to 5, Ive embraced finding a team to help create the show and support the bootcamp. Ive put a lot of work in behind the scenes, getting a logo made, and interviewing editors as groundwork for Season 3. I hired a WordPress guru, and Im interviewing VAs. I feel confident about spending money on these things now because I know how they fit into my overall business.   What would you tell someone now that was in your shoes when we first started working together?  Whats your best tip to allow them to make a grown-up living doing what they love? Believe in yourself. You know the answers and they are already inside you, you just need to give yourself a bit of time and exploration to pull the pieces together. And by all means, follow each thing that lights you up and brings you joy ?? Whats on the horizon for your business? Wed love to hear about any upcoming offerings or goals! Season 3 of the podcast starts in October, and Ill be reworking a bit of my site and process to optimize how I do things for it. Im excited to be toying with offering news about podcasts and podcasting to healers and game changers coming this fall. Ill run my podcasting bootcamp again soon, and you can find all of the goodness (and sign up for VIP access) at

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